Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Health Care Reform

Sam Johnson-House Member-Republican-Texas

Johnson declared that government-forced insurance is not the answer and urged Congress to reconsider a more bipartisan approach. Johnson does not like the current proposed bill at all along with many of his supporters from the classicly Republican Texas.

“Democrats and Republicans ought to be talking about how we can find solutions to provide more access to more treatments and more doctors with less interference from insurance companies and Washington politicians and special interests,” stated Johnson.

Sam Johnson is not up for re-election this year.

Health Care Reform

Sheldon Whitehouse-Senate Member-Democrat-Rhode Island

Whitehouse is strongly for Obama's Health Care reform bill. This is shown true by his instant support of Obama's latest bill. He has yet to read the bill but is fully in accordance with it.

"It's time for serious reform of our health care system - reform that will cover the tens of millions left uninsured, bring costs down, and improve the quality of care.We must improve the way we deliver health care by promoting quality, implementing health information technology, and investing in preventative care. This also means reforming how we pay for health care to align payments to reward the quality of care, rather than the quantity of services provided."

This quote well illustrates Whitehouse's view on the Health Care topic he has done all he can to push this bill through to pass.

Whitehouse is not up for re-election this year.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Constitutional Convention:Robert Morris

Occupation:Mercantile, Manufacturing + Shipping, Real Estate + Speculation, Public Security Interests
3 Experiences: Superintendent of Finance of the U.S.
Proposed the establishment of a national bank
He proposed a national economic system in a document called "On Public Credit"
Contributions:Arrived May 25 and was present through the signing of the Constitution. He was one of two delegates who signed all three of the nations founding documents. With the exception of May 25, when he nominated Washington for president, he is not recorded as participating in the discussions of the Convention. He did, however, second a motion on June 26. William Pierce stated that "Robert Morris is a merchant of great eminence and wealth; an able Financier and a worthy patriot."Did He Sign:Yes
After the Convention:Washington wanted to appoint Morris to Secretary of the Treasury in 1789, but Morris declined He served as a United States Senator from 1789 to 1795.
Interesting Fact:Morris' portrait appeared on US $1000 notes from 1862 to 1863 and on the $10 silver certificates from 1878 to 1880
Quote:"Well, I don't know any piece by heart, but Mozart goes something like this... What do you think?"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

John Adams Film

Honors Government

George Washington

1. I thought that the character in the film portrayed the historical figure very well. George Washington was a confident, calm, and collected man in real life and I believe that was shown in the film. I pictured George Washington to be just like he was in the film.

2. The film was very accurate about the political battle between Dickinson and Adams. It showed their many arguments and disagreements on the British rule throughout the entire film.

3. I thought that smallpox was very dramatized in the film and was not necessary to make the film a great one. I also thought that the Battle of Bunker hill was very dramatized with the vast amount of ships in the harbor.

4. Washington drafted the United States Constitution in 1787 however he did not sign the Declaration of Independence.

5. I found it interesting how tall George Washington was and how nicely dressed he was.

Friday, January 29, 2010

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